Monday, September 1, 2008

baby update

Please pray for me and the baby. I had to go to the hospital yesterday because of some more bleeding. They found out I have a Subchorionic Hemorrhage, which is bleeding between the placenta and the uterine wall. My chances of miscarriage are high but as of right now the baby is fine. They said I must be on bed rest until I stop bleeding. I am not supposed to do anything. I am not sure how this is going to work since i have four kids who depend on me for everything. So I just pray that this will resolve quickly. Here is a picture of the baby they gave us. he/She is actually measuring bigger than the first time we saw it. So I am measuring 10 weeks 5 days, which is kind of weird because that gives me a due date of March 25 which was Charlotte's due date. Weird huh?

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