Tuesday, February 24, 2009

No baby yet...

but baby Maxwell, yes Maxwell has pretty much stuck as his name. So yeah, no new news on him lately but I wanted to post a picture of the awesome crib and bedding Micah picked out for him. I was so excited to see Micah get so involved in getting this ready for baby Max! He even put the crib together all by him self! Something I don't even think I have ever let him do. So It was super cool seeing as this is the last one for us. So that's it for now. Hopefully next time I update there will be a baby in that crib:)

Friday, February 20, 2009

NINE whole months!

So I am now Nine whole months pregnant! 36 weeks! I had a check up today and I am 1-2cm 60% effaced. Baby is big according to the doctor. I am measuring at 37 weeks right now. They did a NST today since he has stopped moving as much as usual and the test was fine, he is just running out of room in there. I have not gained any more weight since what I lost since the diabetes which is nice because I don't want to have a ton extra to lose after he's here. So as of today I have gained 21 lbs. I have a pre-op appt on March 5Th and then he is set to come out on March 12Th at 12 noon if he doesn't decide to come before than. I really doubt I will make it to that day I am guessing sometime between Feb 27Th and March 2ND so we'll see. I have never made it past 37 weeks and some change but I am sure there is always a first. So that's it for now. Here is another picture of my huge belly. I happened to be wearing the same thing from the last picture. So that's it for now. I hope the next update is when he is here but if not it will be after my appointment on the 5Th:)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

And I am HUGE!!!!

Okay so I am 33 weeks 4 days and I am HUGE!!! I think these are the first belly shots I have taken of this pregnancy and comparing them to my previous babies WOW I am HUGE!! So we are due to have him on March 13Th If he doesn't decide to come before then, which is quite possible since the last three babies I had have been born between 37 weeks and 37 weeks 4 days and I have this gestational diabetes thing. So that means he could be here in as soon as 24 days! Wow, I am by no means ready for him which is sad I know but it has been so crazy around here!!! But I am trying not to stress out about it because the Lord has got it all under control :) Also my gestational diabetes is going as well as it could be. I have been able to control it by diet which means NO SUGAR and following a very strict diet given to me by the dietitian. I have since lost 7 lbs because of it too and that was as of last week! I am hoping to stick to the diet even after I have him so that hopefully I can lose the baby weight too. Well I am praying it helps, we'll see. So I guess that's all the goings on in my pregnancy right now. My next appt isn't until the 20Th and I will be 36 weeks then. So I guess that is when the next baby update will be :)

Monday, February 2, 2009


Marcus bowling

Myles Bowling

Here is Myles' first time throwing the ball down the lane!! I hate that we live so far away from our family and hate missing my nephew's and niece grow up but getting to be a part of these first make up for it :)

Here were the final standings. Jess' final score was a 120!! And Marcus and Myles did better than I ever could :)

Family comes to town!!!!!

So we were extremely blessed to have Nick, Jess, Myles and Maggie come visit and stay with us!! We had so much fun hanging out. Micah and Nick went to work in the truck one night while Jess and I hung out with the kids and played a game called "beat the Parents" which Jess and I lost and watched a Movie after. We went to the mall one day, went to church together on Sunday then came back home and watched the Super Bowl with the guys. Micah and Nick have been really enjoying their nights together, last night they went to bed at 4:15 ion the morning and as I type this right now Micah, Nick and bobby are setting up their football teams on the PlayStation. I am sure they are going to have another long night. We also went bowling this morning with the boys while my girls were at school. Myles had never been bowling and so that was super fun to watch. So yeah, Marcus and Myles had a lot of fun and Marcus really really didn't want to let Myles leave :( I can't wait to see everyone else soon...I hope! So here are some pictures of the kids...

Here is Myles watching his ball

Marcus watching his ball

The boys

Here is my beautiful niece Maggie!!! She is too sweet and I love her so much!! I am very thankful that I have at least one niece :)

Here she is again :)

And Again:)

Here are the boys playing at the mall on this cool thing that is hard tp explain

The boys playing with bracelets at Claire's in the mall

And another of my niece, and Adrianne too of course

Here's an update..

Here are some pictures of what we have done when the kids were not sick in January, which was only like a week. Matthew got a much needed haircut and when we were sure the kids were well we took a venture out to the park. My poor boys were cooped up for so long in january they were so grateful to be playing outside! It was very nice to see them running around and letting loose :)

Goin down the slide with daddy

Matthew was not at all scared to go down the slide by himself at all

Lunch before we played

Matthew Haircut after

Matthew before his haircut