Thursday, June 26, 2008

Masters of mischief

So since the girls have been gone for the summer the boys have started playing together more. It is pretty cute at times, the only thing I have to watch out for is that scary silence. All you mom's know what I am talking about. That sudden realization that the kids are being way to quiet and they must be up to something.. Why is it I wonder that they do get silent when they are up to no good? Is it because they are so wrapped up in what the are doing ? Or are they truly genius to know that if they are really quite that we may not notice? I am not sure how this all works but this act of silent up to no goodness is happening quiet frequently in my house these days. Here are a few pictures of what is happening when all is silent....

Matthew standing in his toy box (which is dangerously close to our brick fireplace, note to self: move toy box to a safer location!!)

Matthew(again!) getting into the entire box of Cheerios, he was not happy when I took these away

Matthew eating a motorcycle while hanging out with Marcus in his room while Marcus colors on Matthews face

Oh yeah he also colored on his back

Here they are together again, Marcus reading and Matthew just playing beside him...or are they plotting their next act of mischief??

Here is another look at Marcus' handy work on Matthews face

Sunday, June 22, 2008

This is great!!!

Matthew is WALKING!!! It is so exciting! Play the video to check him out!

Marcus Swimming

Marcus is finally getting brave enough to swimm without Micah or I holding on to him!!

Crazy few weeks..

So we have had a wild and crazy few weeks since the girls got out of school. I have been so busy I haven't been able to post any pictures of our fun. So following are some posts of our travels from Auntie Toes house to home for a few days and then to Aunt Diane's house. We had so much fun with everyone!

Aunt Diane's

Pictures of some cute kids at Aunt Diane's...



Marcus looking through his bug catcher that Aunt Diane got the kids. ( Marcus had some bugs in here that Micah and I caught for him. One was a mosquito hawk he called "Skeeter and the other a moth he called "Jet")

Marcus saying cheese a "Skeeter"

Back at home for a moment

When we were back at home for a few days...

Matthew standing by himself

Marcus hadn't had a bubble bath in a super long time, so long I don't even think he remembered! So I had forgotten that I bought him some bubble bath a while ago and we used it. He had a blast plying in the bath for a while.

Marcus enjoys taking my camera and being a photographer. The picture above and the two below are some examples of his favorite subjects. Matthew....

His cup...

and his favorite racing DVD on t.v.

trip to Aunti Toes...

Here are some pictures from Auntie Toes house...

So one of the days at my sisters house my sisters-in-law came over to hang out and I got to have all my nephews in one place which I thought was pretty fun and cool. I am realizing now as I posted this that I should have taken one with Landon and Tyler in it too:( This one was taken for Tina, Sorry Tina, I don't think I ever sent this picture of you boys to you. But it came out blurry anyways. If you want I can still send it to you.

Matthew, I know I say this about every picture of him but man he is getting so big!

Here are Matthew and Tyler playing

Look at these crazy boys!

And more pictures of the crazy boys in their matching pj's

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Matthew is ONE!!!!!! (Really he's one tomorrow but close enough)

I can't believe that my baby boy is already one!? This year flew by so fast. So today we had his birthday party and we had alot of fun hanging out with family and friends. Here are some pictures of the birthday boy at his party!!!

So Matthew wasn't sure about his cake at first... he just wanted to poke and play with it so...

I put his hand in his mouth so he could taste what he was missing...

And he definitely liked what he tasted!

I ended up taking it away shortly after this and he screamed at me for doing so!! It was pretty funny!

He really enjoyed opening his gifts. I am not sure why I thought he wouldn't know what to do with them but he did, I guess I still think he is such a little baby still. Also I love that in this picture even though it was taken from above him you can still tell that he is smiling really big!

there he goes reaching in for his present inside

I think this present was pretty much a favorite. He couldn't stop smiling!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Adrianne is done with elementry school!!

So today Adrianne graduated from 6Th grade! I know crazy right?! I am the mom of a Jr. high school student, the mom of a teenager(well in the process) man I 'm getting old!!! Time flew by so fast, I still remember dropping her off at her first day of kindergarten like it was yesterday! So these next few years I know will fly by fast too. Please feel free to pray for me as often as you can because my little girl is turning into a teenager and it is very scary to me! Thankfully she has been a good kid so far I myself am praying that she will not change too much but we will see!! So anyways here are some pictures of her from today.

Here is the graduate!!!

Here she is holding her diploma

Here she is with one of her BF's

And here is Adrianne and I

some randomness...

So this is what Marcus told me: "Mommy you hold these flowers?" "Mommy you hold my hand?" "Mommy, you walk me?" "Mommy you sit with me?", so we sat and Micah took a picture of us.

this was Matthew's first time in the pool and he liked it a lot!

Here is a picture of Jenna and I