Thursday, September 27, 2007

Sargent Adrianne

So Adrianne participates in the school safety patrol at her school. Groups of 5 Th and 6 Th graders help cross kids across the street before and after school. She was very excited to do it again this year because in 6 Th grade you can be a Sargent if the teacher in charge thinks you have done a good job. Adrianne's group last year was the best group which helped their school score an A for their grade from the city. Today was her first day as Sargent!! I am so proud of her!!

My crazy son

So this is what Marcus does while he supposed to be sleeping!!! Mind you when I put him down for his nap he has a diaper on and is fully clothed. His room is clean too!! The He is the craziest kid I have ever known!!!

The pictures are what I see when I go to check on him and tell him to lay back down!

Monday, September 24, 2007

The many faces of Matthew

Matthew has such a fun personality. He is always making such cute facial expressions. Most of the time he is smiling but he makes a lot of different faces too.

At Elliots 1st Birthday!

2 weekends ago we went to Bakersfield for Elliot's 1st b-day. The kids had a blast! I think there was at least 20 kids at the birthday, it was truly a kids birthday party!

Twins?? No wait Cousins!!

So it has been a while since I have posted we have been kind of busy. This last weekend my brother was home for 3 days. We had a great time with him. We also got to see Crystal and her growing family! Tyler is so big he is only 1 inch shorter than Matthew and only 8 oz. lighter! They are practically twins! They are too cute together.

I can't wait until they get bigger!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Patty cake with Matthew

Matthew had his post op check today and his dr said he healed very well. And she said he is "huge" he weighs 14 lbs. 3 oz now and 24 1/2 inches long! Anyways here is a short clip of Matthew and I playing Patty cake..

My boys...

So Marcus really wants to play with Matthew. This morning he was trying to get Matthew to play baseball with him. It was very cute but I had to tell him know before he threw the ball to Matthew. Marcus is so into everything right now. The other picture of him is from when he puts Micah's headphones(which Micah wears 27/7 like an accessory) on and tries to plug them into the computer.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

More matthew pictures and stuff

Matthew is such a happy baby! and so good too! He slept from 11 p.m. last night til 7 am this morning! usually he sleeps from 10:30p.m. till 4 a.m. I am so glad that he is pretty much sleeping through the night. Marcus had a lot of regular milk yesterday so today he had some diaper issues. And he kept taking off his diaper and wanting to go in the toilet. I can only make so many trips to the bathroom with him before it gets old(all he does is sit there) so the last time I sat for a while with him and Then asked if he was done he said"no mommy" but I figured he wouldn't go just like all the other times. I pulled him off to put on his diaper and what do you know, As soon as his feet hit the ground he started peeing! Not only was he watching himself pee but he was peeing on me! I said, No wait your supposed to do that on the toilet! So he stopped peeing and I put him back on the toilet and I told him okay go ahead and finish and he did!!! Then he said "good job Marcus!" So that was cool!

Friday, September 7, 2007

more pictures

Here are some more pictures of my kiddos!!

Matthew talking

Here is a short clip of Matthew talking. We always say hi to him to make him smile and it sounds like he is saying hi back!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Crazy marcus

So Marcus and the girls were running in the house today (after I told them not to yesterday) and Marcus fell and hit his head on the floor! When he came over to me crying I asked him where it hurt and then right before my eyes this golf ball sized blister appeared! It seemed like it wasn't going to stop growing! I thought it might burst! But it didn't I called his doctor and then told me to keep an eye on him for the next twenty four hours. I am sure he will be fine and I know this is just the first of many to come. BOYS! THEY'RE CRAZY!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Matthew's bath time!!!

Matthew is getting so big! He loves his baths so much! what kid doesn't? Marcus decided to try to help me today by bringing me Matthew! Matthew was having tummy time and he started getting fussy so I went to walk over to get him and I walked around the corner as Marcus was carrying Matthew over to me! I took Matthew from his hands very calmly and then explained to Marcus that he should never never never pick up Matthew. He said "okay". That could have been a disaster! Thank God it wasn't.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Labor Day Weekend

So we had a great time this weekend! We got to visit with Chris, Jenn, Parker, Silas, Nick, Jess, Myles, Boomer, Darlene, Bobby and Ro Ro (those of you we didn't get to visit with, we wish you were there too) . We got to see a Concert/Outreach on Saturday for the new Stockton Reality featuring this guy we know Chris Jenkins, He is so awesome! On Sunday we went to Reality Stockton's first service ever. It was very good! And today we had a BBQ for Adrianne's B-day! We had such a great weekend. It was so awesome to spend time with our brothers and sisters both separately and together! I can't wait to do it again! And now tomorrow back to the grind, but September is going to be a busy month looking at my calender already. There is something going on every weekend for us. And it's only the 3rd day of the month! Wow I better get some sleep. We are in for quite a ride!