Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Update on Maxwell

Maxwell had his eye appointment today and got diagnosed with Right sided Horners Syndrome. I guess is caused by damage to the sympathetic nervous system. It isn't gonna make a difference in his vision at the moment and he will probably need glasses but that isn't that big of a deal. So that was some good news I guess. Here is a little bad news. Maxwells neurologist thinks he may be having multiple seiziers during the day so they got him in at 8:30 a.m. in Oakland for an EEG to see what is going on. Since we are going to be there tomorrow we are hoping to meet with dermatology, the vascular radiologist, the neuro surgeon and the genetisis. Please pray for us tomorrow as we battle rush hour traffic in the bay area, for our sweet cousin who is coming to watch our other kids and for all the doctors that they would know what to do for him and that they would squeeze us in since we are going to be there I will post another update as soon as I have one.

P.S. I stink at spelling and this new blog thing doesn't edit it??? so excuse the mistakes:)

1 comment:

Elysmom said...

praying for you guys!

