Thursday, September 27, 2007

My crazy son

So this is what Marcus does while he supposed to be sleeping!!! Mind you when I put him down for his nap he has a diaper on and is fully clothed. His room is clean too!! The He is the craziest kid I have ever known!!!

The pictures are what I see when I go to check on him and tell him to lay back down!


Chris and Jenn said...

LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL!!!! Oh that's awesome!!!!! He might be the craziest or I should say daringest boy I've ever met too. Oh man these are awesome pictures!

Laurie said...

I know a kid who is just as carzy if not more! His name is Uncle JJ! He use to do the same thing at nap time but he would paint his walls with what was in his diapers! Be grateful! He also broke the bedroom window a couple of times! Somehow, he would move the furniture and the mattresses all over the room! Granma finally had to harness him to the bed for his own safety!LOLOLOL