Thursday, January 10, 2008

Matthew is changing daily...

I can't believe how fast he is growing up. His first official word "DADA" and I am okay with that because I know how much it blesses Micah's heart!! And I know soon enough he will be saying mama...I hope! Anyways he is starting to move and be crazy active! He is almost full on crawling! The past 7 months has gone by way to fast! Only 5 more months and he will be ONE! Speaking of 5 more months, in that time (the first week in June) Adrianne will be graduating Elementary school!!! Can you believe it? It seems like just yesterday she started kindergarten! I just can't believe it!!! In 8 months I will have a Jr. high school gal in my home! Lord help us all! So we will be having a graduation dinner or something for her following her graduation ceremony and all who can come are welcomed to, and the next day we will be having a Birthday party for Matthew! So it would be great if everyone (you know who you are) could come on over to our house that weekend! That way you could go to Adrianne's graduation and then to Matthew's 1st birthday! Two very exciting events you don't want to miss!! So mark your calenders now!!!! I will be sending out some info on the exact dates and time very soon so that everyone will be prepared!! Can't wait to see you all soon!!

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