Sunday, February 24, 2008

So we are going for it...

in 2 months Marcus will be 3. So this week I have decided to potty train him. I am dead set on this working. No turning back. I am sure that he will do good with it, he doesn't mind going pee or poo in the toilet it is just doing it from now on that we need to work on. Today after we got home from church and I went out and got him some cloth training pants and a seat for the toilet. When I got home I showed him everything and he was really eager to use his new toilet seat. So I took him to the bathroom and he did go pee pee. So I told him that we we not going to use diapers anymore and we put "chonies" on him. he did so well. He only had 2 pee pee accidents which I think is pretty great. By the end of his day he was getting tired and he decided to ask me to put a diaper on him and told me no chonies. I know that his reasoning behind this was because he was tired and he really doesn't like when he has accidents his exact words when he does have an accident, "Oh man!, I pee peed in my chonies, Oh man!" So I really do think that it is time and just in case he wants to give up I hid the rest of his diapers! So tomorrow we hit the ground running again. Please feel free to pray for us this week, hopefully it won't be too much of a challenge for either of us. I am excited to get him out of diapers and only deal with changing and buying diapers for one kid!

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